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Resources for instructors and teaching assistants

As instructors and teaching assistants at the University of Toronto, you may be interested in learning about and experimenting with generative AI (GenAI) in your teaching and assessment practices. To help you navigate this rapidly evolving field, we’ve begun to collect resources and professional development opportunities that will help you explore the innovative tools for, and challenges of, incorporating GenAI into your teaching toolkit.
A person stands delivering a talk in front of a whiteboard at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus. (photo by Matthew Dochstader/Paradox Images)

Teaching, assessments, and administration

These resources will help you learn how to use GenAI within the U of T framework. As new insights become available, we will continue to update this list.

Guidance for classroom use

Guidance on assessments

Ethics, copyright, and citing GenAI

LEAF program

The Learning & Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) program, funded by the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education (OVPIUE), has supported projects that utilize GenAI in teaching and learning.

The ways in which we teach and learn will be impacted by this emergent technology. To explore the potential impacts, opportunities, and challenges of GenAI in a pedagogical context, a cross-disciplinary network of research teams supported by the LEAF program collaborated to develop projects that applyGenAI. Some highlights of this program are listed below.

Selected AI projects

  • AI for Image Research in Art and Architecture
  • Personal Coding Assistants
  • Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn in the GenAI Landscape
  • GenAI in Differentiated Instruction in the Foreign Language Classrooms
  • AI in Pre-service Language Teacher Education
  • Ethical & Creative Uses of GenAI to Support Equity-Deserving Students
  • Understanding the Limits of AI-Based Image Generators
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